A quantum computer creates a revolutionary particle: it is capable of remembering

Subatomic computing adds a new element in their fight to improve their technology.
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A recent work, published in the Cornell University Arxiv database , brings us a little closer to a new type of particle produced by a quantum computer and called ‘anyon’ . In the field of physics, these particles are a type of quasiparticle that occur only in two-dimensional systems. Now, quantum computing integrates a new type of element into a system that claims to be the future of the most powerful computing ever devised.
The road to quantum computing has a new name
Although the concepts that we handle in this article are complicated to understand, we will try to simplify the explanations so that the news is easier to digest. Of course, if you like science, you cannot miss some of the best TikTok accounts to have fun learning in the scientific field . Returning to the main particle , the study points out that it is truly unique , since it has a memory . But what does it mean in this case to have memory?
The published information ensures that the anyon is a particle capable of memorizing where it has been before . Of course, its discovery dates back to the 70s. It has not been until recently that scientists from the Quantinuum company have developed a new type of processor , called H2 , and that is capable of creating qubits , the fundamental blocks for the operation of a quantum computer. In addition, this processor has also been able to create the aforementioned particle , through the entanglement of qubits in what is called ‘Entramadao Kagome’.
Of course, they are still incredulous about the results obtained at the Quantinuum facilities, since certain researchers affirm that the company has not created these particles with memory, but simply simulated them . However, Henrik Dryer , one of the authors of the study, assures in the digital medium Interesting Engineering that:
One counterintuitive property of these anyones is that they aren’t really physical, they don’t care what they’re made of. They are information and entanglement, so if you have a system that can create such entanglement, you can create the same type of anyones.