Instagram now allows all users to tag products

As part of its commitment to e-commerce, social networks introduced this opportunity for business and creators in 2016
Instagram will expand the ability to tag products and posts in all of its user settings, rather than allowing it to be solely commercial on a creative account.
By this Tuesday and according to Verge, the social network is opening this service to all its employees in the United States, not knowing when it will arrive in other countries like Spain. This push will take place in the coming months.
To tag a product, Instagram users will only need to post a post and, after selecting the image filter and setting the corresponding settings, click on the ‘Tag Product’ option on the next screen that will appear – when the icon appears -. From then on, the user can select the product they want to tag so everyone who has access to their account can also have the option to purchase it in the “app”. Through Instagram, they told the above-mentioned advertisers that store owners would receive notifications after branding one of their products, as with any brand. However, employees will not receive compensation for this, even though the company is working on affiliate programs.
Instagram introduced the product tag in 2016 as part of its e-commerce campaign. Since then, more than 1.6 million weekly users have used this system.